• solidaritycaucus@gmail.com
  • 646-8UFT4Us (646-883-8487)

About UFT Solidarity Caucus

UFT Solidarity is a progressive caucus (a political group, in short) of the United Federation of Teachers. All UFT Solidarity members pay dues and are union proud! However, we have different ideas in how the United Federation of Teachers should be led and what priorities they should act upon. Click on the buttons below to learn more

History of Solidarity

UFT Solidarity was founded on November 11, 2014, by a collective of UFT members.

Mission and Vision

By improving working conditions of Union members, we can make the positive changes our school system so desperately needs.


The bylaws dictate how our caucus is governed.

Leadership Council

UFT Solidarity is led by a democratically elected nine-member council that meets monthly.


Click here to find our email and social media accounts.

A vibrant caucus within the United Federation of Teachers that is building a stronger union. Sleeves rolled up and supporting members.

A vibrant caucus within the United Federation of Teachers that is building a stronger union. Sleeves rolled up and supporting members.

Join us in UFT Solidarity!

Join us in UFT Solidarity!

Learn about our Member Focused UFT Caucus!
UFT Solidarity is the premier and a main opposition caucus of the UFT. UFT Solidarity came in second place in the 2019 UFT Elections. We are a progressive subgroup of the United Federation of Teachers dedicated to creating a more democratic, member-centric union. We believe that our working conditions impact the lives and learning of our students and the community. We invite you to explore our website to find your inspiration!
We believe that empowerment and knowledge are critical for member engagement.

We believe that empowerment and knowledge are critical for member engagement.

Explore these tools below!


The Administrators in Need of Improvement (ANOI) List is a group of member-generated school leaders who do not lead communities full of love, logic, fairness and dignity.


We asked the community to nominate not just principals, but any administrators that are leading adults and children with love, logic, fairness, and dignity.
UFT Leadership and Representative Review List

UFT Leadership and Representative Review List

We have created a forum to share experiences UFT members have had with elected and appointed UFT representatives on the UFT payroll.
COVID Toolbox

COVID Toolbox

Here are some simple things you can do to protect yourself, your colleagues, and your family this Fall as we return to in-person teaching and learning.
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